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Collaborative Technical Assistance and Support (CTAS) Model

What is the CTAS Model?

The Collaborative Technical Assistance and Support (CTAS) Model was designed by CARE BH Consultants after reviewing the federal “scaling-up” literature along with the definitions and descriptions provided by the U.S. Department of Education Office of Special Education Programs for what constitutes intensive technical assistance and basic technical assistance.
Using the federal definition as a foundation, the CTAS model was designed to ensure that technical assistance and support would be provided with a clearly defined purpose and set of outcomes. CARE BH consultants ensure careful attention and planning is utilized to determine how those outcomes can be most efficiently achieved.
Although basic technical assistance (traditional training and support) is effective in many contexts, it may not be sufficient to achieve sustainable classroom/organization/ systemic changes in other contexts. CTAS is a multi-pronged, long-term strategy to address this.
The CTAS model includes a purposeful, planned series of activities designed to reach an outcome that is valued by the school district. Intensive Technical Assistance (ITA) provided through the CTAS model typically results in changes to policy, program, practice, or operations that support increased recipient capacity and/or improved outcomes at one or more systems levels. This is typically a multi-year approach that includes the use of ongoing evaluation and feedback strategies.

Why Implement the CTAS Model?

Our professionals recognize that there are times when there are issues encountered in education that can be solved by providing basic technical assistance via information and support to already knowledgeable and skilled teachers and administrators. Recipients of this type of support take responsibility for making good and effective use of the information and training they receive through workshops and other professional development activities designed to enhance the knowledge of those participants. There is also a recognition that there are other times when the staff members would benefit from Intensive Technical Assistance (ITA) that require an ongoing negotiated relationship with clearly defined goals and objectives between CARE BH and the school district receiving assistance.

Is the CTAS Model Effective?

Recently, the CTAS model was recognized as one of the Texas Educational Agency (TEA) Innovative Projects during the 2022-2023 school year. CARE BH consultants implemented the CTAS model and provided intensive technical assistance to five school districts in South Texas who were involved in the project. The CTAS model was also used as part of a TEA Autism Grant: Year 2 that was funded for the 2023-2024 school year with an additional two school districts in South Texas.
CARE BH's entire multidisciplinary team participates in Collaborative Technical Assistance and Support (CTAS) with individuals, families, schools and organizations across the US. Recently, the CTAS model was identified as one of the Texas Educational Agency (TEA) Innovative Projects.
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