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How to Conduct Functional Behavior Assessments (FBAs)
This training is designed to teach your staff how to conduct Functional Behavior Assessments (FBAs). CARE BH consultants will instruct and model for your staff how to gather pertinent information during the FBA process using direct and indirect assessment methods including how to conduct interviews with staff members, parents and others knowledgeable of the student. CARE BH consultants will take your staff through a step-by-step process to determine if the results of the FBA warrants the development of BIP to address problem behaviors being exhibited by the student. Alternatives to a BIP may include the development of strategies and interventions that can be used to address the student's problem behavior and/or how to identify and develop goals and objectives to address skill deficits identified during the FBA process.
CARE BH Consultants are also available to conduct or facilitate an FBA for a student that needs to have an FBA conducted as a result of a request for an IEE or when the district is seeking additional support when interventions have not been successful in addressing problem behavior.
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