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Conducting Program Evaluations
Program Evaluations are conducted by CARE BH consultants who have extensive experience working in public school settings and who are knowledgeable of evidenced-based practices related to programming for students who are identified under various disability or eligibility categories. These evaluations utilize various methods including interview of staff members, administrators (building and district level), parents, students and other stakeholders; observation of students in a variety of settings across campuses; surveys of staff members; administrators; parents; students and other stakeholders; review of records including IEPs and other sources of data pertinent to the program evaluation. Data accumulated from various sources is assimilated into a comprehensive report with strengths and weaknesses of the program identified when compared to evidenced-based practices along with specific recommendations. An executive summary is also created summarizing key aspects of the program evaluation with recommendations for consideration by stakeholders. The comprehensive report and/or executive summary is typically presented to key personnel by the lead consultant assigned to coordinate the activities of the program evaluation.
Types of Program Evaluations Currently Conducted by CARE BH:
Inclusive Education Practices:
  • Early Childhood
  • Elementary levels
  • Secondary Levels
Programs Designed for Specific Populations:
  • Early Childhood Education (ECE)/Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)
  • Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • Students with Intellectual Disabilities (ID)
  • Secondary Students Who Are Transitioning to Post-High School Activities
  • Students with Emotional Disturbance (ED)/Behavioral Disturbance (BD)
Program Evaluations Can Also Be Conducted for:
  • Special Education Departments
  • Staffing of Special Education Personnel
  • Development, Implementation and Monitoring of IEPs/ARDs
  • FBAs and/or BIPs Utilizing the Technical Adequacy Tool for Evaluation (TATE)
  • Assessment and Evaluation Practices
These evaluations are meant to consider the need for change in programs on a variety of levels within a school system. CARE BH consultants are highly trained in providing these services for the entire district*, one or more specified campuses within the district or for an individual program.

Why Conduct a Program Evaluation In Your District?

Program Evaluations are Intended to Support a Process that Includes:
  • Assessing the quality of a school district's instructional programs and practices in the areas of behavioral supports and interventions literacy, and delivery of special education services
  • Determining priority need areas
  • Prescribing and planning activities to change practices and improve outcomes for students with disabilities
District-wide support usually requires Intensive Technical Assistance (ITA) and may involve a multi-year approach in order to build capacity and achieve outcomes identified by school district personnel.
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